• New UN Women Chief

    Updated: 2010-09-30 15:11:47
    From the UN’s e-Newsletter. Former Chilean president Bachelet to head new UN Women’s agency United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet to head United Nations Women (UN Women), a newly created entity to oversee all of the world body’s programs aimed at promoting women’s rights and full participation in global [...]

  • Energy and Global Warming News for September 30: How biochar production could help climate change fight; 80% of global water supplies at risk

    Updated: 2010-09-30 01:49:22
    How biochar production could help climate change fight Win-win solutions can be hard to come by. But if Cornell University soil scientist Johannes Lehmann is right, there may be a way to lower our emission of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, save millions of people’s lives, and significantly boost the productivity of the world’s farms—all at the same [...]

  • Topsoil: Civilization’s Foundation Eroding

    Updated: 2010-09-29 20:41:48
    By Lester R. Brown The thin layer of topsoil that covers the planet’s land surface is the foundation of civilization. This soil, typically 6 inches or so deep, was formed over long stretches of geological time as new soil formation exceeded the natural rate of erosion. But sometime within the last century, as human and livestock [...]

  • Papal Visit: Green NGO Attacks “Inhumane” Contraception Ban

    Updated: 2010-09-29 15:08:59
    From the OPTIMUM POPULATION TRUST NEWS RELEASE For immediate release PAPAL VISIT: GREEN NGO ATTACKS “INHUMANE” CONTRACEPTION BAN The Optimum Population Trust today urged British Catholics and non-Catholics alike to protest strongly to the Pope about the ban on contraception. OPT Chairman Roger Martin said: “The Catholic Church does much good in the world, but [...]

  • The Future of Aging

    Updated: 2010-09-29 01:37:54
    We are on the verge of a revolution in medicine : understanding , treating , and ultimately preventing the causes of degenerative aging . But medical revolutions only happen if we all stand up in support of funding and research . We did it for cancer . We're doing it for Alzheimer's . We can do it for aging and create an era of longer , healthier lives Email Contact reason at- fightaging dot- org Search The Causes of Aging Accumulating AGEs Buildup of Amyloid Between Cells The Failing Adaptive Immune System The Failing Innate Immune System Declining Lysosomal Function Mitochondrial DNA Damage Senescent Cells Other Causes of Aging Required Reading Calorie Restriction The Community , Visualized Cryonics Engineered Negligible Senescence Envisaging a World Without the FDA Healthy Life

  • One of Most Severe Species Extinctions Under Way

    Updated: 2010-09-28 20:59:47
    Thanks to Jenny Goldie of Sustainable Population Australia for this article. —————- The world is facing a mass extinction event that could be greater than that of the dinosaurs, new research shows. Macquarie University palaeobiologist Dr John Alroy used fossils to track the fate of major groups of marine animals throughout the earth’s history. He [...]

  • Breakaway: Video Game Against Violence

    Updated: 2010-09-28 17:59:17
    Channel One News featured our electronic game project, Breakaway. Below is a link to view the news piece. http://www.channelone.com/video/breakaway:-video-game-against-violence/

  • A ‘Big Australia’ won’t mean more wealth for its residents

    Updated: 2010-09-27 20:17:24
    Thanks to Jenny Goldie of Sustainable Population Australia for this OpEd from the Canberra Times. —————— Canberra Times July 21, 2010 Opinion, page 11. One of the first actions of our new Prime Minister Julia Gillard was to reject the notion of a ‘big Australia’. She added the word ‘Sustainable’ to the title of the [...]

  • Humans 1, Environment 0

    Updated: 2010-09-27 03:59:01
    While travelling to our Supercharge Your Science workshop in Cairns and Townsville last week (which, by the way, went off really well and the punters gave us the thumbs up – stay tuned for more Supercharge activities at a university near you…), I stumbled across an article in the Sydney Morning Herald about the state [...]

  • Declining Infrastructure, Declining Civilization

    Updated: 2010-09-26 19:56:47
    Thanks to Leta Finch for this article. ——————— For the 10th-anniversary issue of The Chronicle Review, we asked scholars and illustrators to answer this question: What will be the defining idea of the coming decade, and why? Henry Petroski The present state of the American infrastructure-roads, bridges, water supply, and the like-has been given an [...]

  • Should I vacuum my pond? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending September 25th

    Updated: 2010-09-24 20:02:18
    Regular pond maintenance throughout the ponding season ensures clean clear water. An extremely lucky few may find themselves in a scenario where their pond is perfectly balanced with no debris blowing into the pond and no layer of muck developing at the bottom of their water feature. Then there are the rest of us who deal with slimy gravel or decomposing leaves and fish waste yucking up our ponds. Pond vacuums are a handy tool to make pond cleaning manageable and easy by physically removing hard to reach muck and debris from within the pond without bending or scrubbing.

  • Fossil fuel subsidies are 10 times those of renewables, figures show

    Updated: 2010-09-24 17:42:37
    The Guardian: Despite repeated pledges to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and criticism from some quarters that government support for renewable energy technologies is too generous, global subsidies provided to renewable energy and biofuels are dwarfed by those enjoyed by the fossil fuel industry. That is the conclusion of a major report released late last [...]

  • Will Limited Land, Water, and Energy Control Human Population Numbers?

    Updated: 2010-09-23 20:44:44
    Thanks to David Pimentel for this paper in Human Ecology, published in August 2010, entitled, Will Limited Land, Water, and Energy Control Human Population Numbers in the Future? To download a copy of the paper, visit: https://docs.google.com/fileview

  • The Coming Famine: Seeing a Time (Soon) When We’ll All Be Dieting

    Updated: 2010-09-22 18:40:44
    Thanks to Amy Moon for this article from the New York Times. ——————– Fifty years ago, a billion people were undernourished or starving; the number is about the same today. That’s actually progress, since a billion represented a third of the human race then, and “only” a sixth now. Today we have another worry: roughly [...]

  • Supercharge your science: Blogito ergo sum

    Updated: 2010-09-22 07:09:59
    Alas, I didn’t make up that wonderful expression (can anyone tell me who did?), but it was a very appropriate title for the presentation I gave today at the Supercharge Your Science workshop held at the JCU Cairns campus. For those of you who have never read any Descartes (I will forgive you – boring [...]

  • Top 50 Birth Control Blogs

    Updated: 2010-09-21 19:43:49
    Thanks to Rachel M. Stevenson, Co-founder of the HealthTech Blog, for letting us know about this article. Population Media Center’s blog, which includes the articles sent to this mailing list, is listed under “Population Issues.” It can be found at http://www.populationmedia.org/pmc-blog/. Birth control blogs run the gamut, from educational blogs for teens to religious blogs [...]

  • Solar Cell Production Climbs to Another Record in 2009

    Updated: 2010-09-21 19:22:56
    By J. Matthew Roney Solar photovoltaic (PV) cell manufacturers produced a record 10,700 megawatts of PV cells globally in 2009—an impressive 51-percent increase from the year before. While growth in 2009 slowed from the remarkable 89-percent expansion in 2008, it continued the rapid rise of an industry that first reached 1,000 megawatts of production in 2004. [...]

  • Cartoon guide to biodiversity loss IX

    Updated: 2010-09-19 05:10:25
    The latest batch of six cartoons… See also full stock of previous ‘Cartoon guide to biodiversity loss’ compendia here. Filed under: cartoon, China, climate change, conservation

  • When should I switch my fish food and what should I use? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending September 18th

    Updated: 2010-09-17 22:31:34
    As the temperatures begin to cool down at the end of the year you will notice a change in the behavior of your Koi and Goldfish. Your fish will start to slow down and become less active as the water gets colder as they prepare for a winter of dormancy. You will still want to feed your fish in these cooler fall temperatures. A change in diet will help maintain happy and healthy fish and prevent potential fish kills going into the winter.

  • The Limits and Potential of Plant-Based Energy

    Updated: 2010-09-15 23:19:55
    By Lester R. Brown As oil and natural gas reserves are being depleted, the world’s attention is increasingly turning to plant-based energy sources. These include food crops, forest industry byproducts, sugar industry byproducts, plantations of fast-growing trees, crop residues, and urban tree and yard wastes—all of which can be used for electrical generation, heating, [...]

  • Global erosion of ecosystem services

    Updated: 2010-09-14 01:24:16
    A few months ago I was asked to give a lecture about erosion of ecosystem services to students in the University of Adelaide‘s Issues in Sustainable Environments unit. I gave that lecture last week and just uploaded a slidecast of the presentation (with audio) today. I’ve reproduced the lecture here for your viewing pleasure. I [...]

  • Biodiversity: from conservation science to action

    Updated: 2010-09-11 09:00:17
    About 3 weeks ago I blogged about Guillaume Chapron‘s vision to notch up conservation implementation around the globe. After that little piece Guillaume invited me and a few others (including one of Australia’s own conservation gurus, Hugh Possingham) to co-author a piece on the new Nature Network‘s ‘Soapbox Science‘ blog. The Soapbox Science blog is: [...]

  • The lost world – freshwater biodiversity conservation

    Updated: 2010-09-06 08:51:14
    Even the most obtuse, right-wing, head-in-the-sand, consumption-driven, anti-environment yob would at least admit that they’ve heard of forest conservation, the plight of whales (more on that little waste of conservation resources later) and climate change. Whether or not they believe these issues are important (or even occurring) is beside the point – the fact that [...]

  • How can I keep leaves out of my pond? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending September 4th

    Updated: 2010-09-03 16:42:22
    You may not want to admit it yet, but the summer season is coming to a close. While we love the mild weather and the changing colors of the trees, us water garden owners have one to turn our attention to the falling leaves. No worries however, we have one simple tool that you can use to avoid having to deal with leaves falling into your water garden.

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